About Lanien

Hi there, welcome to my homepage

It is me who is telling you this fantasy story about Villa and his friends in the 12th dimension.  With this story I aim to send you good vibes. 

I have only just begun expressing this beautiful dream novelette with abstract watercolour paintings on social media. On this website you will have the opportunity to follow my progress. I hope it gives you joy.

The digital world seems to offer endless creative possibilities.

It’s  totally amazing.  

Before I forget this:  I  would like to thank my linguistic editor: Vicky Grimes.  Her patience has significantly enhanced your experience when reading my books.

You see, I am Danish of origin.

I was born in a very small village on an island of Denmark some 56 years ago.  I am currently living in the Netherlands, together with my twin boys. 

My Books 


Villa - and His Friends In The 12th Dimension


Paperback ISBN: 9789083353593

Ebook ISBN: 9789083353555




Villa II - Dawn of a Thousand Shining Suns 

Paperback ISBN: 9789083353586

Ebook ISBN: 9789083353548



You can find my books here

Art shop in the making!