Villa's Story

This fantasy story is about renewable energy. I call it the 13th source just to make it easier to write about. Renewable energy is replacing the use of fossil fuels. But how? You may ask yourself. I have no idea. To me that is as outlandish as “warp drive” or “beaming someone around” like they do in star trek. 

And yet, the process of transformation is already happening in today's real world and I am completely blown away by this huge effort. I am such a big fan that I imagined this whole story about Villa. Just to say Thankyou!!!


I guess you could describe Villa and the likes of him as your inner voice. I myself prefer calling him a 12 dimensional. Because - in this story - he and the others like him are not seen as Gods. In fact they answer to God the same way we do. But you see, deep inside the 12th dimension they are ever so slightly closer to the divine. This means that they are capable of handling power much better than we are. That's why it is a good idea to stop and listen if they whisper something in your inner ear. 


Villa, Shoro and Gardu are three powerful conscious male entities in this story. They each choose a young man. The three humans are called Samlen, George and Kadir. Each has their own story to tell. They are young men, inspired to go to the Technical University of Amsterdam. Here they become inseparable as a group. As such they are destined to make great progress in the fields of science to the benefit of all of mankind.

Right here our three 12th dimensionals would like to tell you a little bit about their chosen human and some of what they are going to do in this story. Here it comes:

Shoro's chosen student

“So Shoro” I ask:  “please tell me about the human you chose to guide”

Shoro looks at me, and he proudly begins to explain:

“Hello everybody, my name is Shoro. I have chosen George. A plain American kid, from Florida, who meets German Gretchen online and decides to go visit her over the summer of 2021. While spending time with her and her family in the Ahr valley, together they survive the flooding of the river. This experience prompts George to go and study at the university of Amsterdam instead of in Florida. Where he specializes in geo-spacial science. You can read about this in Villa II. This is where he meets the two other chosen humans: Samlen and Kadir”.


After telling his part of the story, Shoro now turns and looks at Villa. He says “ your turn, Villa, tell them about Samlen”.  Now Villa goes on:


Villa's chosen student

“To begin with, Hi, I am Villa, how nice to meet you all!....

Well it is clear to us all that Samlen is the boy, who doesn’t cry wolf, because he is one himself. He grows up to become a powerful, charismatic and cunning businessman. Buying run down and forgotten villages in rural areas no one seems to care about. He then turns them into sponge villages. How and why?…. Well that you can read about in Villa II”.

I continue the conversation: “Indeed Villa. This is your story, because the whole plan was your idea to begin with. Wasn’t it Gardu: 


Gardu's chosen student

“Obviously” Gardu says and goes on:

“May I introduce myself to you: My name is Gardu, much obliged. I am a 12th dimensional and a good friend of Shoro and Villa…. hmmm ....and I am also a good friend of our little writer Lanien, of course."

After a short pause, Gardu goes on saying: 

 “Shoro and I have chosen to help our young friend, Villa, in this matter. The human I have chosen grew up in the Middle East in a traditional Muslim family. His name is Kadir. They have their own oil company and are very rich.  Kadir is the spoiled grandson and therefore totally gets his way when he announces that he wants to go to Amsterdam to study. As it turns out Kadir is much more than that. You see, Kadir is the chosen one. He gets to introduce the 13th source and together with Samlen and George they revolutionize the world of man. "

See ya all…. bye for now”.


Never Let a Dream Surprice You

This fantasy story has been playing itself out in my imagination for at least 35 years. After all this time, I have finally decided to share it with you. Mostly because I wonder if any of you dream the same way??? 


I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this story turned out to be happening in reality. 


Because we humans really are that brilliant. For every worry we find at least three solutions. That’s how we’ve come this far and so we shall go on. It’s healthy for you to have faith in your fellow human. Trust in one another and trust in your inner guidance. Together we have already come so far in Time! Thus peace in this world is not all that far fetched! Peace with all that lives on planet earth, is in fact a real possibility. If we keep on believing in each other there is really no end in chances.


Yours Sincerely 
